Tuesday, April 25, 2006

B e i n g A r c h i t e c t . . .

Being Architect is “the” most responsibility in the world. There is nothing which is as difficult as architecture and unfortunately very few people actually tries to understand this responsibility or the depth of the world “ARCHITECT” ..!!
Being architect is the longest pregnancy period in the world. Infact, an architect is never born. He just continues to grow in the womb and still delivers his architectural babies from the womb itself. He never attains the state of completion, never takes birth and ultimately dies in the womb itself.
This question might make someone think what architecture is. However, more important is understand the scope of architecture. Architecture is not just the form of art or the science of building.. A dwelling is far more than a shelter. A house is far more than a dwelling and a home is far more than a house.
A shelter is meant to protect you from harsh sun or rains but the home is a ‘feeling’.. it has a human attribute. Architecture looks into each and every aspect of human life but it doesn’t stop there as it has lot more duties to accomplish. A shelter might only talk about the protection but human is not under that roof just to protect himself. He is not under that roof to stay alive... but to ‘live’ life. And the world live has no horizons.
Architecture knows physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, economics, ecology, aesthetics, sociology, anthropology, statics, dynamics etc. Climate, function, human behaviour, plant life, flora and fauna, anatomy, physiology, photography, sculptures, movies ... all are nothing but various aspect of architectural process. All these and many more aspects run independently but an architect always runs parallel to all of them and brings them under single roof.

“An architect who doesn’t know how to cook, can not design a kitchen” – Frank Lloyd Wright. This sentence has lot many things to say other than designing a kitchen.

I have seen many architects justifying bad buildings as a result of economy. But does economy is a root of aesthetics? Do all rich people look beautiful? Do all beautiful people behave properly.. externally good looking buildings need not be the best experience from inside. A sculpturous building might not be ecologically responsive.

That is why, to be an architect, one has be aware of all the things that are related to human being.. may be that’s why an architect is said to be young at the age of 50.


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